Kau Lab

Principal Investigator

Andrew L. Kau, MD/PhDPrincipal InvestigatorDepartment of Medicine, Allergy & Immunology Center for Women's Infectious Disease Research (cWIDR)akau[at]wustl.edu

Andrew L. Kau, MD/PhD

Principal Investigator

Department of Medicine, Allergy & Immunology

Center for Women's Infectious Disease Research (cWIDR)


  • Emory University: B.S. in Chemistry, degree in music (1994-98)

  • Fulbright Fellowship to Germany: Kekule Institute at Bonn University, in the lab of Dr. Konrad Sandhoff (1998-99)

  • Washington University Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP): PhD in Biochemistry in the lab of Dr. Scott Hultgren (1999-2006)

  • Internship/Residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital (2006-2008)

  • Fellowship in Allergy/Immunology at Barnes-Jewish Hospital (2008-2011)

  • Post-doctoral fellowship at Center for Genome Science and Systems Biology with Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon (2009-2015)

  • Board Certified Internal Medicine (2009-present)

  • Board Certified Allergy/Immunology (2010-present)

  • Associate Professor of Medicine (2023-present)

  • Co-director of MMMP Graduate Program (2024-present)

lab members

Anne Rosen, MA

Research Lab Supervisor


Michael LintResearch Technician IImichael.lint[at]wustl.edu

Michael Lint, MA

Senior Research Technician


Christopher Tomera

Research Technician II



Maggie Bui

MSTP Student

Computational & Systems Biology


Lingwei Lyu, MS

Research Technician II


Shreya Saxena

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Elisa Carrillo

Medical Student



Natalia Jaeger, MSResearch Technician II

Natalia Jaeger, MS

Research Technician II

Allie Paharik, PhDPostdoctoral ResearcherMolecular Microbiology

Allie Paharik, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Molecular Microbiology

Ryan McDonoughSenior Research Technician

Ryan McDonough

Senior Research Technician

Dayne Voelker, MDAllergy and Immunologyd.h.voelker[at]wustl.edu

Dayne Voelker, MD

Clinical Research Fellow

Allergy & Immunology

Naomi WilsonDBBS Computational & Systems Biologyngwilson[at]wustl.eduNaomi is interested in using machine learning and other computational approaches to study the complex interactions between microbes and their hosts.

Naomi Wilson, PhD

DBBS 2023 Graduate

Computation-al & Systems Biology

Ariel Hernandez LeyvaMSTP Computational & Systems Biologya.hernandez-leyva[at]wustl.eduAriel is interested in the molecular mechanisms that regulate the interactions between commensal microbes and the host. He hopes to use our understanding of t…

Ariel Hernandez-Leyva, PhD

Staff Scientist/ MSTP 2023 Graduate

Computational & Systems Biology

Josh Magare

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Jesús Santiago BorgesDBBS Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesisjsantiago[at]wustl.eduJesús is interested in studying how the gut microbiota can be modulated by mucosal antibodies induced after vaccination. He hopes to target and deplete …

Jesús Santiago Borges

DBBS 2024 Graduate

Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis


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